Our goal is to minimize environmental impact by sourcing local materials, protecting wildlife habitat, building healthy soils and conserving existing natural resources.
Certifications & Awards
Certified Low Impact Designer
Low Impact Development is a stormwater and land-use management strategy that tries to mimic natural hydrologic conditions by emphasizing conservation, use of on-site natural features and distributed stormwater best management practices.
ecoPRO Certified
Protect & conserve natural resources
Native landscaping & sustain plant health
Protect & create wildlife habitat
Build healthy soils
Use sustainable methods & materials
Enhance human health & well-being
Certified HIP Designers & Installers
Bellingham's Homeowner Incentive Program aims to improve the water quality of the Lake Whatcom watershed through native landscaping and green stormwater infrastructure. Visit lakewhatcomhip.org for more info
Best Landscape Company
Voted best landscape company gold in 2022 and silver in 2023 by Bellingham Alive Magazine, Best of the Northwest edition.