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Oregon Iris is probably the most common Iris flound West of the Cascades. Known for being resilient, it is also called Toughleaf Iris. It forms attractive clumps that slowly spread via rhizomes. Its evergreen grasslike leaves and beautiful blueish-purple flowers provide yearround interest, making this plant a valuable addition to the garden or landscape. This plant has the benefit of being tolerant to deer and rabbits, but make sure your pets don't eat it!

Oregon Iris

Only 3 left in stock
  • Oregon Iris - Iris tenax


    Size: 1' tall, 1-2' wide


    Growing Conditions: Full sun to light shade, moist to dry soils that are well drained.


    Features: Showy purple flowers bloom May to June, tolerant of drought and pests like deer and rabbits, toxic to cats and dogs.


    Natural Habitat: Native to Washington, Oregon, and California. it is common West of the Cascades, can be found environments like open woodland forests, hillsides, and marshy areas.


    Companion Plants: Black Gooseberry, Golden Current, Red Flowering Current.

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