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Lady Fern is a deciduous fern with an extensive fern. This low maintenence plant does very well in moist, well draining, shade areas of a garden or landscape. It will tolerate dry soils better than most ferns and will also tolerate some sun. The light green color and upright growth can make this plant a great native option.

Lady Fern

  • Lady Fern - Athyrium filix-femina


    Size: 2-3' in height and diameter


    Growing Conditions: Prefers medium moisture and shade, will tolerate sun in moist soils.


    Features: Low maintenence, light green color can provide contrast in landscape, can be used for erosion control. 


    Natural Habitat: Native to the continental US and Alaska, found in woodland, swamps, ravines, or by water sources.


    Companion Plants: Goatsbeard, Vine Maple, Pacific Trillium

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